March, 2016 – Update by Club Advisor David Shadoin
Minot Chapter, having recently been reborn in November and currently a Club of the State Chapter, is off to a fast start with activities and service to others. Since Thanksgiving, they have held five meetings, have two more prospects getting ready for initiation, and pitched in at the Lodge. Currently leading the charge is Eric Angell, as Club Scribe and Master Councilor, a 19 year old recent high school graduate and current Master Mason. As an advisor, it is great to have a young man like that to rely on so we don’t have to worry about keeping the guys in line. They served the Ladies at the Table dinner during Valentine’s Day weekend, performing admirably and earning lots of gratitude and praise from Star of the West #33 Lodge in Minot. They have plans to help with a pancake feed for a middle school girl that the Lodge is helping, taking part in a spaghetti feed at the Mini Grand for North Dakota Rainbow for Girls, helping with both Bismarck and Minot Shrine Circuses (with a possible chip in to Williston), and are already making fliers for the local schools to recruit more young men to their noble cause. As far as fun events, they have done a successful video games night and an adventurous board games night. They also made their first appearance at a Masonic youth dance in Grand Forks, putting on the moves, representing as true gentlemen, and enjoying a fun lock in with Grand Fork’s DeMolay Chapter. It is a bright future for DeMolay in North Dakota and in Minot, with the Lodge in full support mode to see these young men succeed in and out of the organization, and we can’t wait to see what awaits this Club down the winding and exciting road known as life.